The experts of Advisory Team are here to help!

Patrick Vandervelden, Managing Partner of Advisory Team, emphasises the importance of professional advice in choosing the right time to transfer a business.



When considering transferring a business, several options are available, including management buy-ins or buy-outs, intra-family transfer, or sale to an external party. Each option has its unique advantages and trade-offs, and it is important to choose the one that best suits your specific situation and objectives.

When the decision is made to transfer the business to the next generation, the question quickly arises: when is the ideal time to do so? It is essential not only to consider the current business leader but also the potential successors. Are they ready for this responsibility? Do they share the same vision and values for the business? What if multiple children are interested?

However, transferring a business to the next generation is not an obligation. Only one-third of family business transfers actually go to the next generation, meaning many external sales and transfers occur.

It is crucial to carefully consider which option best fits your business and family and to seek professional advice to make an informed decision. Regardless of the chosen route, good planning and communication are fundamental to a successful business transfer that ensures the company's continuity and growth. Together, we will determine the right time and the best approach for a successful transfer.